Jan 1, 2008

"Under God"

I am a member of the silent majority, and I have been silent for too long. It’s time for me to speak up, and maybe? Just maybe, the rest will follow. I am by no means an expert about anything. I do not have a PhD or any other kind of degree. Although, that does not mean I am not educated. I am far from illiterate. I do however have the sense that God gave me.
Good Sense and Common Sense.

Common sense tells me that we can not let special interest groups, minorities and individuals with their own personal agendas to continue to slowly eradicate our civil and constitutional liberties.

Here’s an example. I’m sure everyone has heard about Michael Newdow and his personal crusade to remove “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance. Michael Newdow, who is a self proclaimed atheist, has filed suit on the behalf of his daughter. Mr. Newdow contends that his daughter was offended by the words “under God”, while reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in school.

Mr. Newdow does not have custody of his daughter nor does she live with him, but that did not stop him from using his daughter to further his personal agenda.

I remember watching one of the television news programs where Mr. Newdows daughter was being interviewed. She was asked by one of the news anchors whether or not she had a problem with reciting the Pledge of Allegiance with the inclusion of the words “under God in the Pledge. She clearly said she did not.

So what we have here is one individual trying to impose his will on not only his daughter, but on all of us too. And if that is not enough for you, Mr. Newdow was recently before the Supreme Court trying to have “In God We Trust” removed from all of our money. So far the courts have not been swayed by any of his arguments and have managed to turn him away on technicalities. But it is just a matter of time before Mr. Newdow will come up with the right arguments to sway the courts to his way of thinking.

What can I do about it? Nothing by myself, but if we the silent majority, as a group decide to make its displeasure over these issues known. We may resolve these issues once and for all. I urge you to email your Legislator. Tell him of her that we want “under God’ to remain in the Pledge of Allegiance. Tell your Congressmen and Senators that we will not tolerate having our country’s motto “In God We Trust” removed from our Currency and Coinage*. I urge you to do it today.

*Note; If you are not yet aware that the word Liberty has been removed from the new one dollar presidential coins, and our motto has been removed from the face of the coin and has been relegated to the edge of the coin.

As a coin collector I plan to boycott these coins.

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